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Thank you for your interest in sharing our content! Please note that all content on our website is the result of our hard work and is protected by copyright laws. Therefore, any unauthorized use or reproduction of our content is strictly prohibited.

It is prohibited to copy and paste full recipes and articles to publish on your website or social media.

If you wish to reshare our content for non-commercial purposes, please do so under the conditions of our Creative Commons license. Always provide a link to our original content and properly attribute it to us.

For commercial use, please contact us to request permission.

Fork & Spoon by Noelle Noriesta is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

If you’re a reader who loved our recipe, we highly encourage you to share it! Here are our suggestions on how to share:

  • Post a photo or video of your dish! When posting, provide a link to our original recipe and tag us @itsforkandspoon on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest , or Tik Tok. If you adapted the recipe, please indicate the changes you made.
  • Press the “Pin it” button on the recipe card and it will generate a Pinterest Pin for you to share!
  • Send links to our articles to your friends through DM, email, text message, etc.
  • Use the “Share” button in the Instagram/Facebook apps to share our social media content through your Stories, Feed, or Messenger.

Thank you for enjoying the recipe and supporting us!